The quality of my restoration is immaculate. Something that suits houses old and new. Absolutely amazing work guys!!
Daniel, Alexander Heights WAThey cook the best roasts and the best scones ever.
Cass, Northampton WALamb roast that tastes so damn good, you don’t get this good in gas/ electric ovens.
Pam, Esperance WASomewhat amazingly, the most modern oven struggles to produce results as good as the wood stove does everyday!
Martin, Bassendean WAI loved my wood stove, everything came out lovely, it kept us warm in winter, dried baby clothes on a rack, and had a kettle ready for any visitors that might drop in. l miss those early years.
Margaret, Albany WAWhat a amazing memory. Coming home from school to nice warm dry clothes & slippers on the oven door after walking home in the rain. Or the smell of cupcakes or rock buns coming out of the oven. Enough to bring a tear to my eyes. Thanks
Jan, Collie WANothing nicer than a nice wood stove going in the kitchen with a big iron kettle boiling away ready for a cuppa. Who needs electric or gas heaters when you have this.
Rod, Riverton WANewly married at 20 with no clue about cooking, the Metters is what I learnt to cook on . I soon learnt the metters cooked the best of everything.
Robin, Perth WALots a great meals…mutton roasts, lambs fry, steak & kidney pies, stews, pea & Ham soup, bread & butter puddings, rice puddings and cakes came out of my wood stove…even dry our clothes & shoes on the oven door.
Annette, Goomalling WAEverything that goes into the oven comes out perfect from pumpkin scones, pies and of course roast turkey and ham for Xmas.
Joan, Captains Flat, NSW